Seminar – 25.05.16 O. Baseggio (Univ. Trieste, Italy) “Theoretical description of photoabsorption spectra: TDDFT development and applications”, h 10.00 Cnr Nano S3 Seminar room, Modena
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Seminar: J. Fregoni
Seminar – 11.05.16 J. Fregoni (Univ. Ferrara, Italy) “Interpretation of the chemical bond on an Orthogonal Localized Basis: the OVB approach” h 15.00 Cnr Nano S3 Seminar room, Modena
Seminar: C. A. Guido
Seminar – 06.05.16 C. A. Guido (Univ. Pisa, Italy) “The control of coherences and optical responses, of pigment-protein complexes by plasmonic, nanoantennae” h 12.00 Cnr Nano S3 Seminar room, Modena
Seminar: E. Coccia
Seminar – 21.04.16 E. Coccia (Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, France, and Univ. L’Aquila, Italy) “Time-dependent quantum chemistry for high-harmonic generation spectroscopy” h 15.00 Cnr Nano S3 Seminar room, Modena
Seminar: U. De Giovannini
Seminar U. De Giovannini (Faculty of Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain) “Ab-initio photoelectron spectroscopy with TDDFT: from finite to extended systems” 06.04.2016 h 15.00 Cnr Nano S3 seminar room, Modena